Morning Jew: Heather Gold, Katie Halper & Special Guest Michael Wex

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July 21, 2014

Get behind the headlines with comics Heather Gold and Katie Halper, joined by special guest Born to Kvetch author Michael Wex. Nu, is it good for the Jews?

What’s one issue Heather & Katie just can’t see eye to eye on? The origins of circumcision. Plus, why are people taking selfies at concentration camps, and why are chain stores selling concentration camp decor?

MORE MORNING JEW: Why Do So Many Jews Sound Alike?

Morning Jew gets biblical on your tush, discussing some critical questions with Yiddish, historical and religious expert Michael Wex: What’s the difference between Judaism and Christianity? Why do so many Jews sound alike? And why are there so many Yiddish words for dick?

Zeek enjoys partnering with comics Katie Halper and Heather Gold to bring you Morning Jew, a takedown of morning news shows, talking heads, and the news itself. Nu, they ask, are the headlines good for the Jews?

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