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News and Politics

The Israeli LGBT Community: A Tale of Two Cities

Tel Aviv’s Gay Pride parade had 40,000 marchers this year; Jerusalem boasts an Orthodox gay men’s group with hundreds of members. And that’s just the start.

Faith and Practice

Come In, Take Your Shoes Off: A New Look at Tisha B'Av

Who is it you’re collectively remembering and mourning, each Tisha B’Av? Is it me, or your version of me? And if I’m not truly known, can I be truly mourned?

Arts and Culture

This Exhibit Contains Graphic Content: Lauren Greenfield at the Getty

Jews and nose jobs: Lauren Greenfield makes it new.


San Francisco July 24 Summer Issue Launch: Half-Remembered Stories


Come celebrate the launch of our summer issue at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival!
When: July 24, 12:30pm
Where: Castro Theater
What: bagels, coffee, and spoken word by Dan Wolf plus a world permier film screening!
Tell me more! Click here

Faith and Practice

Earth Based Judaism – Reclaiming Our Roots, Reconnecting to Nature

The Jewish tradition provides us with a built-in operating system that connects us to the earth by connecting us to the cycles of nature.

Arts and Culture

Maira Kalman

Maira Kalman is an artist you should know. Learn more here.



Meet Watchaclan

Arts and Culture

Encyclopedic Idiosyncracies: A Review of the Encyclopedia of Jewish American Popular Culture

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (yes); Annie Sprinke (no); Chess (yes); Poker (no); Beastie Boys (yes); klezmer (no). When we have wikipedia, encylcopedias becomes history, giving us one perspective on our times.

News and Politics

Attack Iran?

Will the United States or Israel attack Iran? Unlikely. But the new sanctions up the ante.

News and Politics

Hugo Chavez' Advisor: The Anti-Semitic Path of Norberto Ceresole

In 1999, Ceresole released Caudillo, Army, People: Venezuela under Comandante Chávez, emphasizing Chávez’s promise as a panacea to the country’s ills. With this book, Ceresole won the heart of Chavismo.

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