Rabbi Suzanne Singer has served at Temple Beth El of Riverside, CA, as rabbi and educator since February 2008. Previously, she served for two and a half years as a rabbi at Temple Sinai of Oakland, CA. She has been actively engaged in social justice work, currently serving as a member of the Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC) Clergy Caucus, the Advisory Board of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) in the Inland Empire, and previously as a Commissioner for the City of Riverside’s Human Relations Commission. Additionally, Rabbi Singer launched two social justice conferences, the first in the Bay Area in November, 2005, the second in Los Angeles in November, 2007.
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We are in the Hebrew month of Elul, a time of review, return, and renewal leading to the High Holy Days. During Elul, we are asked to take stock of where and how we have fallen short, leading us to teshuvah, generally translated as “repentance” but really meaning “return.” Our “sins” serve as catalysts to return to our better selves, to God, and to Torah. This year, let us include among our shortcomings forgetting the humanity of those whom we have imprisoned and denying them the opportunity to do teshuvah.
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