Ri J. Turner

Ri J. Turner is currently a participant of AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps in Washington, DC, where they work as a clinic coordinator at the Bread for the City Medical Clinic. Ri was formerly the Operations Manager at Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Culture & Spirituality, and also served on the NUJLS Executive Board. Ri has written for a variety of publications including Torah Queeries, Elevate Difference (formerly Feminist Review), and Zeek. They also contributed to the recent anthology Balancing on the Mechitza: Transgender in Jewish Community.

Life and Action

Queer Jewish Community Remixed: Organizing without a Critical Mass

At the intersection of queer and Jewish, how can LGBT Jewish students build a movement to empower themselves?

News and Politics

Not in Our Name: Jewish Women Speak out on Israel

In this review of Shifting Sands: Jewish Women Confront the Occupation, Turner suggests that “Not in our Name” should be used as a counternarrative to a pro-settler Zionism.

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