Esther D. Kustanowitz

Esther D. Kustanowitz is a writer, avid Twitter user and consultant on topics ranging from social media and network animation to Jewish creativity and innovation. She has been involved with LimmudLA since 2009, and is a steering group member, working primarily with communications and social media. She blogs at, and is writing a book tentatively titled “Nothing Helps (But This Might Help): A Guide to Loss and What Comes After.”


Faith and Practice

The Internet Confessional Goes to the Goats

How sharing our sins, one Tweet at a time, can remind us that we are all human, flawed, and susceptible to daily corruptions. In the age of (public) guilt, a Jewish season to revisit our bad decisions, and make better choices in the days and months ahead.

Media and Tech

A Not-So-Brief Reflection on Limmud NY 2013 Through Twitter

If Twitter is all about about capturing a moment in time, what happens when we look back? @EstherK reflects on the Twitter trail of Limmud NY 2013. From @ to #.

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